Friday, 2 January 2009

Web Galleries & Online Ordering of Prints

Happy New Year,

Looks like 2009 is going to be very interesting with the credit crunch and recession etc. Because of this, we've been thinking about the best way in which we can help our clients by making wedding photography as affordable as possible, without affecting quality.

We've recently started using a company in the US called SmugMug to host our client's wedding photographs online. This has several advantages. Firstly, it's a secure place to store the photographs external to our own system, so if there is a catastrophe, the photographs will still be there intact. Secondly, it allows guests as well as the bride and groom to view the photographs (the gallery can be password protected on request), wherever they live. Best of all, it is possible to order prints directly from SmugMug as and when you like. We have tried this out already and we were very impressed with the results.

We have kept the prices as low as possible, starting at about $0.38, and there are a huge range of print options available to you. Many photographers charge several pounds for a single print so this is really very different to what you'll see anywhere else.

The web gallery is built in to all of our wedding photography packages which start at just £599.


Stuart & Sarah

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